
酒店 / HOTEL





SoPA, headquartered located in Shanghai, we are leading design firm and our designer are pushing the interior design 
envelope to new heights furthermore we at SoPA, extended our service scope which includes other area of expertise: Art Consultancy, Branding Marketing and Signage and Graphic scope. Our objective is to ensure coherent in overall designs for each custom project’s by providing these scopes. 


SoPA, has established a reputation within the industrial with our strength in delivering strong design DNA, innovation and 
project management capabilities to ensure all stakeholders are proud of each project opening. We ensure that we maintain an effective and transparent communication with all stakeholders and we listen to the needs and concerns of each project’s. 


SoPA consultancy core values are striving to provide continuous creative design and staying relevant, hence investing in our team by providing continuous learning and best practiced is our firm goal. We  believes by doing this will help add value to client’s project success and profile. 


  • ● 集结精英团队,注重细节,追求完美,彰显国际领先专业水平与独具风格的咨询、管理、设计专长。

    SoPA Team Vision: Demonstrate our capabilities in design and the ability to execute our design DNA during each phase of the project process and this will be carry out by SoPA respective team expertise in the project requirement based on local and international standard.   


    ● 阵容强大的运营管理团队,每一位团队成员都是各自领域的专家,将预算控制及项目进度纳入精细化管理流程。 

    SoPA Management Team:  Team members will carry their respective  task in accordance to their specialist field’s with the objective to deliver on design strategy, budgetary control and project programme set. 


    ● 扎根本土的国际视野,让客户更容易被倾听,让项目更具国际化视角与创意,让东西方理念在交融中熠熠生辉。

    SoPA Design Team: We will strive to achieve and balance design (DNA) vision prescribe to us by eastern and western concept for the optimum outcome. 

    ● 在中国丰富的实战经验与本土资源,让项目的执行更加高效与稳健,让我们的服务更加周到与细致。

    SoPA Project Team: Based on our team combined industry experiences, expertise and resources, we are well equipped to carry out our tasks and project in the most effective and efficient manner and with successful outcome based on our proven  project track record and portfolios and references.